Hey, I'mMichael

Software Developer

IT-Management, Software Development, AI & IT-Security

Illustration Software Developer


Michael Schöffel

Profile picture of Michael

Hey, my name is Michael!

I am 27 years young, born and raised near Munich. I am a highly motivated software developer with very good knowledge in software development, IT management, artificial intelligence and IT security and a passion for continuous learning.

After my very good and therefore shortened apprenticeship as an IT specialist for application development, I completed both my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a final GPA of 3.0 and my Master of Science in IT Management with a final GPA of 3.7 alongside my full-time work as a software developer with the help of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce's scholarship for talented students. Both degree programmes focused on Artificial Intelligence and IT Security, with excellent final theses (3.7 & 4.0).

I currently work for one of the largest software companies in Germany. Here I spend my time designing, modifying and developing software for various customer projects. I also share my knowledge with my colleagues in the form of high-quality presentations and blog posts (linked below) and am involved in training apprentices on topics such as AI. I am always open to new projects, challenges and learning new things. My greatest strength is my motivation to take on projects and challenges and lead them to success.

Contact details

  • Michael Schöffel
  • Mobile number on request
  • Germany, exact location on request
  • [email protected]

Projects that I have worked on and projects I'm currently working on

My Portfolio

My Bachelor theses project. A webapp to visualize how artificial intelligence or more precisely artificial neural networks operate based on an evolution simulation.

A collection of my solution codes for various competitive programming tasks from Leetcode to Google Code Jam. Most written in Go and tested with unittests.

Development of my own little blockchain to learn the concept and the exact functionality of a blockchain and to realize my own chain in a well known language.

A collection of code samples for most design pattern of modern software development. From the pattern of the well known gang of four to more special ones by Microsoft or Google.

A collection of code samples of most functions given by the Spring, Spring-Boot, Spring-Security, Spring-MVP, Thymeleaf, Hibernate and more Java enterprise frameworks.

An Electron desktop application with auto update functionality for finding, analyzing and managing multiple, identical files of a selected folder.

Hard Skills


Software Development

IT-Security & AI

Design Pattern & OOP

Container (Docker, Kubernetes)

Version control (SVN, GIT)

Build-Tools (Maven, npm)

Backend Development

Spring (-Boot), Hibernate, Vaadin

Java (EE)

Node Js (NextJs), PHP

Webservices (REST, GraphQL)

Websockets (SocketIO, WebRTC)

Frontend Development

React JS & Next Js

Vue Js & Nuxt Js

HTML 5 & CSS 3


JSP & Thymeleaf



NoSQL (MongoDB, Firebase)

In-Memory (Redis)

File-based (H2)

Cloud-based (Firebase)




Agile software development

Project organization



Correspondence courses

Events & Conferences

(Online) Courses


Competitive Programming

Work Experience

My Resume

  • AraCom IT Services GmbH logo
  • AraCom IT Services GmbH logo
  • se commerce GmbH Logo
  • Asseco Solutions DACH logo
  • Red Node logo
  • se commerce GmbH logo
  • German Armed Forces Bundeswehr logo


My Resume

  • Wilhelm Büchner College logo
  • Wilhelm Büchner College logo
  • Professional School 7 Augsburg logo
  • University Augsburg logo
  • Paul Klee High School Gersthofen logo

Skills and knowledge in individual languages

Skills & Expertise

85 %


80 %


75 %


70 %

Go & Python

55 %


30 %


* 30% corresponds to fundamental knowledge, 70% corresponds to a professional level

My knowledge in different software development areas


85 %

IT-Security & AI

80 %

Software architecture

75 %

Frontend development

85 %

Backend development

70 %

IT management

70 %


* 30% corresponds to fundamental knowledge, 70% corresponds to a professional level

Achieved certificates


Visited events


Hackerkiste Augsburg event logo
We are Developers world congress event logo
Wir vs Virus germany event logo
Web and Wine event logo
Dev X Change event logo
Google Code Jam event logo

Here are some personal facts about me


I like


Mechanical keyboards


Humor & sarcasm


I dislike


Chocolate ice cream

Jazz & Metal Music


Internet Explorer







My top 3 motivational quotes


"The one who always does what he already can do, will always be what he already is."

Henry Ford

Henry Ford

Founder Ford Motor Company

"In times of change the greatest danger is to act with yesterday’s logic."

Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker

US management consultant

"Be stubborn on vision but flexible on details."

Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos

Founder Amazon

Current and already read books with a personal rating

My Bookshelf

* Book title written in the language they were read (mostly english) and ordered chronological after the date they were read

A few personal words about myself at the end

Closing Words

Finally, I would like to make a few closing remarks. As a person that loves programming, jogging, and learning. Going to University of Augsburg surrounded by more than 500 other students was not something that helped facilitate my abilities to their fullest. After graduating high school Gersthofen I was full of motivation to do great things. Through the purely theoretical learning and repetition of what I was taught during my time at University of Augsburg, I questioned if this was the right path for me to grow. From this, the idea that a pure study might not facilitate my growth came to mind. I eventually chose an alternative that had more practical use and more opportunities to be part of a team that does something substantial. This alternative option lead me to apprenticeship. There I became part of a team, learned necessary practical skills, and optimized and improved mine. I helped, as a part of the team, to successfully implement the entire department’s project and finally received my own projects. Now I was able to have the practice and the feeling of being part of a larger whole. I also was able to help the team the way I wanted to. However, with the end of my training, came the wish to practice further and to optimize and improve my skills while also gaining more general knowledge; optimally without negatively affecting my practical work. So I decided upon a part time study, which currently gives me all the necessary general knowledge to improve and continue to grow. Also because it is part time, I still have time to practice as a software developer to directly incorporate this knowledge practically. So here I stand, satisfied as a software developer, with the daily practice, application, and performance and after work, the theory to keep learning with a part time study.

I could go on writing here but I think you always get the best picture of a person in a face to face conversation and so I would appreciate any invitations to an interview so I can convince you of me, my strengths, my skills and my motivation.

Contact me

Contact me

You got questions or want to get in touch with me?

Michael Schöffel
Phone number
Mobile number on request
Germany, exact location on request
[email protected]

Send me a message

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